Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hula Hoopin' Hottie

Last year, I bought myself a hula hoop. My mother had given me one as a kid, but I had never got the hang of it. Even when I was in high school, my gym teacher had me try it out, and I still sucked. I came to the conclusion that the hula hoop wasn't my cup of tea; that was until I came across my niece's hula hoop at my brother's house in Georgia. Hesitant at first--because I was 23 years old--I picked up that purple shiny hula hoop and began to circle my waist. I shocked myself. It actually circled my waist for a very long time. I believe the fact that the hula hoop had water inside of helped it to keep circling my waist. The hula hoop my mother bought me from Bargain Hunters had rice grains in it. That was a proud moment for me. That was four years ago.

So now, at 27 years old, I am a self-proclaimed hula hoopin' hottie. I taught myself a couple of hula tricks. I am able to control the speed of the hula hoop, stand on one leg and hula, jump and turn around with the hula hoop still circling my waist. It's pretty cool. My friends think that I am crazy for still playing with a hula hoop at my age, but I don't care. I'm grown, but I'm not old. It's great exercise. In fact, there is a hula hoop game on the Wii Fit. I actually got a chance to give it a whirl, which was fun. While you're circling your waist on the
Wii Fit you're supposed to stop and lean over to allow your Mii character to catch another hula hoop. For that part I will need extra practice, but other than that, the game is fun.

Doing this activity keeps me youthful. Being an adult, I don't see too many other adults wanting to do much activities. All they want to do is sit down, eat, and talk. Boring! For me, hula hooping allows me to de-stress (the same goes for dancing). Focusing on keeping it from falling to the ground doesn't allow me time to think about things that bother or worry me. It's an excellent way to keep me smiling as well as keep my beautiful figure.

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