Sunday, March 14, 2010

Booty-Calls to Boyfriends

Is he going to be the one? Many women ask themselves this million-dollar question whenever they meet a guy. Many nights are spent talking on the phone, texting and/or sexting, and then it gets to a point where there is enough comfort (or trust) to have sex with each other. Almost instantly those calls and texts are nothing but sexual. Perhaps there were one or two dates, but the other encounters were all sexual encounters. He's no longer concerned with how your day went and other information that seems useless to him. All he wants is sex, and more sex. Two questions get asked: "What the fuck?!" and "Why isn't this going anywhere, but the bedroom?" Then the realization comes that this man was only in it for the sex. Never did he want to build towards a committed relationship. Disappointment sets in. Those high expectations about that man all blow up in smoke. He gets cursed out for only living up to be a booty-call, not a boyfriend. (Sigh)

Women need to give up on having these expectations for the men they meet. They need to stop believing that every man they meet is "the one." Instead of just having these expectations, speak out. Be open and honest. Men can't and don't try to read minds. Don't allow his good looks or his sexy phone voice to get in the way of asking important questions. Don't ask a man out, but do ask if he wants a girlfriend. If he says that he doesn't want one, then move on to the next one. Please don't conduct a formal interview with him; allow your questions to have a natural flow and don't force them. Why become disappointed over and over again because a man didn't live up to an expectation? Leave out the guess work and follow facts. If he says that he doesn't want a girlfriend, move on. Don't stick around to analyze his words and the tone of his voice, and don't try to change his mind. Leave! If he says that he would like to see how things turn out, be patient with the dude. Don't be in such a hurry to be with somebody.

Don't become easily attached. Don't confuse good sex with a good heart. Sex, period, is not enough to determine whether someone is boyfriend or girlfriend material. Men have an impeccable gift of not allowing their feelings to get in the way of sex. For many women, it's the opposite. If a man wanted to get to know a woman, that's exactly what he would do. A woman cannot make a man do anything that he doesn't want to do.

If there's nothing but sex going on, a booty-call cannot turn into a boyfriend. Take the proper steps and ask the right questions. Depending on the response, a woman will know if a man is just a booty-call or a potential boyfriend.

1 comment:

  1. What women don't realize is that SEX is the ultimate currency and that we have the power. WE DO. Too often we give away that power in the name of people pleasing and wanting to be loved.

    I've learned from many spiritual teachers that we've got to learn the skill of people showing you who they are. We've got to go by what people do and how they live and less dependant upon what they say.

    If a man is texting sex and talking sex how does that translate into commitment, loyalty, and love?

    Women have got to learn how to distinguish the truth when we see it.

